Gale from A Familiar Quest has been added to Idle Champions!

If you’re unfamiliar, Idle Champions is a Dungeons & Dragons strategy management game that unites characters from throughout the D&D multiverse into one grand adventure.

It’s free to play on Steam, and features characters from official Idle Champions TTRPG shows streamed live on the CNE Games Twitch channel. I’m a main cast member on the Idle Champions show A Familiar Quest!

I play Gale, a tiny rat barbarian with a big heart.

And now, you can play as Gale, too! Check out the Familiar Pack in Idle Champions to add Gale (and the rest of the wonderful cast characters from of A Familiar Quest!) to your game. Check out the art below - how cute is he?!

If you haven’t been watching A Familiar Quest, you can always get caught up on past episodes on YouTube, or catch us live on Twitch every Monday at 5pm PT (8pm ET) over on the CNE Games Twitch channel!


Casting announcement: D&D’s Legends of the Multiverse


I’m voicing Chef Rhubarb in Cook, Serve, Forever!